Public Equity

Our Credo

"What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” - Werner Heisenberg

Based on our cumulative 35 years of experience of analyzing scientific and clinical data and combining it with our understanding of financial markets, regulatory landscapes, and industry trends, we believe that a sustainable investing edge in healthcare can be derived by combining knowledge from distinct but overlapping fields of expertise.


Alignment of returns and


Founded in 2016, Third Eye Asset Management has strategically aligned itself with the socially responsible and long-biased nature of healthcare sector. We strive to serve a greater purpose for society while maintaining an eye on generating returns.

Connecting the dots in a dynamic environment

Our belief is that a sustainable investing edge can be derived by combining insights from distinct fields and we aim to combine our understanding of science, medicine, business and finance. Given the inherently innovative nature of these fields, such connections are in constant flux.

We stick to reality without losing sight of truth

We often hear from generalists investors that biotech is volatile, unpredictable and unprofitable. But the truth remains that the data on which our investment decisions are based are very objective, and the risks are clearly visible, providing us opportunities to make a return.

Third Eye Healthcare Fund

  Bloomberg - THIRDEA NA  

Third Eye Healthcare Fund is an open ended long-biased long/short global healthcare investment fund.

The Fund’s objective is to generate long-term returns for investors by investing in carefully selected publicly-listed healthcare companies. The Fund will target investment opportunities in particular in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic, medical technology and related industries (for example white biotech, green biotech and digital health). The main focus will be on companies developing novel therapeutics based on innovative technologies.

History has shown that substantial relative differences in company valuations can exist between Western Europe and the United States. The Fund maintains up to 50% exposure to European Healthcare in order to capitalize on these differences. 

The Fund’s performance should come primarily from long positions, with short positions providing protection in the event of market corrections.


There are multiple roads to generating returns. Third Eye’s advantage is to make the journey smoother.

Third Eye Asset Management runs a concentrated portfolio, focused on non-consensus ideas. The team's approach to stock picking is built around risk mitigation without eliminating the upside.

Experienced Team

European exposure 

High liquidity

Lower volatility

Uncorrelated portfolio